Character Classes
The Agent
Quiet. Cunning. Deadly.
Rogue operators, government spooks, trained assassins, and corporate spies, the Agent is a subtle knife. Hard as a diamond and sharp as a laser. They’re masters of stealth and covert missions. Just as comfortable leading a team as they are going in alone. What they lack in endurance they more than make up for in agility and wiles. Combine their natural talents with optional character Traits like Commando or Slasher to supplement their deadly efficiency. Or go with Raptor or Technical to double-down on their dexterity.
////Weapon Training////
>>Marksman Rifles
>>Submachine Guns
>>Physical Weapons
>>Sniper Rifles
////Special Abilities////
Pressure - Passive
Shadow Attack
+3 More
The Soldier
Brute Force. Iron Will.
Forming the backbone of every great team, the Soldier is a force to be reckoned with. Sturdy, tactically-minded, and highly resistant to injury they stride the battlefield drawing out the deadliest foes for one-on-one confrontations. A deep understanding of machinery and weapons tech allows them to easily use any weapon they come across, meaning they’re never up a creek. They can be the primary force or the backup. The commander or the henchman. Whether they’re the first one in or the last one out, the Soldier is a team player that you won’t want to go without.
////Weapon Training////
>>Assault Rifles
>>MARS Weapons
>>Marksman Rifles
>>Physical Weapons
>>Machine Guns
>>Sniper Rifles
>>Submachine Guns
////Special Abilities////
Jarhead - Passive
Draw Fire
Shoulder Charge
+3 More
The Doctor
Drugs and Blood.
Specializing in chemistry, medicine, biology, and the art of the blade Doctors can give as good as they get. Don’t let their name fool you, these street surgeons are no pencil-pushing lightweights. They can hold their own in a gunfight - wielding a thermal blade with the precision of a scalpel. Willing (or unwilling), their patients will remember their name if they live to tell the tale. With a full competent of drugs and they can be a healing boon to their allies and a poisonous thorn in the side of any corporation that wrongs them. Now hold still. This may sting a little.
////Weapon Training////
>>Submachine Guns
////Special Abilities////
Steady Hand - Passive
Do No Harm
Quick Fix
+3 More
The Engineer
Click Click Boom!
Hacking is more than just a crime… It’s a survival instinct. The Engineer is a technical warlock. Skilled at cracking computer systems, fixing vehicles, and operating very heavy machinery. It’s no wonder why they’re usually a target in the heat of battle. In a scorched world of steel and glass a strong foundation is is required ot prevent collapse. Engineers are that foundation. Their weak constitution is reinforced with pounds of lead and as much high-explosives as they can carry. And they can further specialize by taking optional Traits like Rigger or Decker. Or they can go for Crafty and really see what they can come up with.
////Weapon Training////
>>Submachine Guns
>>Assault Rifles
>>Machine Guns
////Special Abilities////
Damage Engineering - Passive
+3 More
The Nomad
High Grit. Low Gloss.
The cut, rusted side of the Agent’s coin, the Nomad is the everyman. Wits tested by the streets of megacities, and the forgotten unknown of the wilds, their skills are honed by experience alone. No training, just smarts. They’re couriers and bodyguards. Bouncers and dealers. Killers and lovers. The Nomad is the jacked-up jack-of-all-trades and a master of some. They’re problem solvers, and CyberBlood is a world that’s saturated with problems that need quick and dirty solutions. Batter Up.
////Weapon Training////
>>Physical Weapons
>>And Anything Else
////Special Abilities////
Twitchy - Passive
Fake Out
Sucker Punch
+3 More
The Seeker
All for One.
In CyberBlood, destiny has fallen silent. The call of purpose is muted by the ever-moving machine of progress. And those who can’t take the pressure either snap or evolve. The Seeker has chosen the latter path. Unbound by the confines of human flesh, the Seeker hunts for a purpose beyond mere survival. Wielding some of the most devastating weapons in game, the Seeker class is a long-range powerhouse. Their immunity to cyber-pyschosis, the most sinister of all cybertech diseases, means that they’re able to fearlessly experiment with cybernetics.
////Weapon Training////
>>MARS Weapons
>>Sniper Rifles
>>Physical Weapons
////Special Abilities////
Ghost in the Machine - Passive
Grim Reaper
Second Wind
+3 More
The Vigilante
And one for all.
Taking the howling city beneath their bullet-proof aramid wings, the Vigilante is a street-striding paladin with a code of honor. Dealing justice with an arsenal of gadgets and their bare fists. Risking life and limb for their allies and for innocent strangers as well, the Vigilante is a bright light in the darkness of CyberBlood. Villains and drones fear their wrath, so you’d best stay on their good side. With a playbook of powerful close-quarters attacks at their disposal, this class is best for players who aren’t afraid to risk it all.
////Weapon Training////
>>Physical Weapons
The Espers
////Special Abilities////
Avenger - Passive
Scorpion Kick
+8 More
Mind and Matter
Mutants of unknown origin, Espers have been rumored to have have existed all throughout human history. But in 2047, they’re no longer a myth. The results of genetic experiments, toxic exposure, or simply a 1-in-a-million luck of the draw, the Pyro and the Telepath shape the world of CyberBlood with a burning grip and a steeled mind. Powerful unnatural abilities and a cursed reputation means that whether they’re on the frontlines of a corporate war or in the shadows of the underground Espers are a solid choice for any player looking to shake things up.
////Special Abilities////
+5 More
////Weapon Training////
>>None Needed